IMG 20160923 1515382High blood pressure, arterial hardening, the risk of heart attack, and other lifestyle-related cardiovascular diseases can also be treated with Nordic Walking. Research published in the Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise has shown that people with vascular diseases increased their cardiovascular fitness, improved exercise tolerance, reduced perceived leg pain during moderate-intensity walking, improved skeletal muscle strength and endurance, and reduced weight through regular use of Nordic Walking. The research also showed that walking with poles, compared to walking without poles on a treadmill, increased oxygen intake by an average of 23%, caloric expenditure by 22%, and heart rate by 16%. Poles for improving fitness are also effectively used by patients after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The ideal Nordic Walking is performed in the endurance zone of 60 to 70% of maximum heart rate, also known as the fat-burning zone, because at lower exercise intensity, the body predominantly burns fat. You can also determine if you are in the “fat-burning zone” if you can still carry on a conversation without gasping for breath.

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